Wednesday 12 December 2012


  One more Christmas night out, one more sleep and in 14 hours I'll be airport bound. 4-00am start but I don't care. I am so excited about being back with family for Christmas. 

Also after 10 consecutive nights of Christmas events I so need to relax, to be with the grandchildren and put the high heels and spanx to one side for a bit! Fear another night out may put me into sweatpants for Christmas, lol. There will be nights when they need to be resurrected, but for the most part I'll be chilling out waiting for Santa.

Shanghai has been a huge surprise. I didn't realise there would be so many Christmas events. We had a night out for my husbands colleagues which was so much fun. I had brought crackers back from UK and put them on the table. No one had the slightest idea of what to do with them. However, once told they entered into the spirit, sadly jokes were lost in translation, but hats were worn even as we left the restaurant, and some I believe were still being worn in taxis on the way home. 

Once again the Chinese amazed me with there love of partying. They certainly know how to have fun. They all ended up back at our apartment where Christmas songs were sung, mainly by my husband, but with the Chinese joining in where they could, wine was drunk and a good night was had by all.

So as I step on to the plane tomorrow I will have good memories of my first Christmas in Shanghai, and will be looking forward to making more family memories in Scotland. 

I plan to, no, I need to sleep as much as I can on the way home. I plan to, no, need to stay away from the food served on the plane. I on the other hand should be staying away from the champagne on route, however, I have absolutely no intention of doing so! Well it is Christmas after all............. and it may help me sleep.

So I want to wish everyone who has passed by my blog this year, A Very Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy 2013.

I hope to see you all again next year.


Brownieville Girl said...

Wishing you a happy (and fizz filled!) trip home.

LOVE the shoes!

Snowy said...

Have a great time in Scotland, and see you in 2013!
Kill them dead with your tartan shoes!