Tuesday 8 March 2016


Thought since I have been away from blogging for such a long time I should come back with an updated page, a bit of a change, a bit of a re-vamp. Hope you like the new look.

My reasons for not blogging?

Well, I have taken on the role of President in Brits Abroad in Shanghai. Not a full time job but it has taken me time to fit into the role and as such a lot of time is spent on the computer it is sometimes an effort to sit down and start writing for this blog. It also involves a lot of networking and socialising. Now that was never going to be an issue! Also happy to announce a new Grandson who arrived 6 weeks early into this world so several trips home in the months before and a sooner than expected trip home than expected just before Christmas. All, I am happy to say is well and Oliver James is growing into a big strong boy.

 I am so proud of all 4 of my grandchildren and I am assured our family unit is now complete. A very happy granny.

So hopefully now I can get back to blogging and catch up with all my fellow bloggers.
Watch this space.................... Be back very soon.