Wednesday 16 January 2013

DISH of the WEEK

I haven't posted one of these for some time. Maybe I am just getting used to seeing unusual things on menus. However this caught my eye in a local restaurant this week. Apparently winter is the time to eat it as it warms the body. Especially good for business men. No I do not know why, just one of the many weird things people here believe. So here it is, and no I didn't and neither did my business man husband. he decided there could never be enough benefits gained to persuade him.

So decide for yourself. At least it is what it says on the menu, unlike Tesco burgers which I have been reading about this week. with this you make the decision to eat or not.

Tuesday 15 January 2013


A few times a year I get around to clearing out my freezer. You know what I mean, the stuff you're not quite sure how long it has been lurking, the stuff you bought for a "special recipe", which you never got around to making, and probably no longer even know where the recipe is, the odd bits and pieces which you froze rather than waste and of course the escapees. The peas and sweetcorn which has rolled around in the bottom of the freezer drawer. We all do it, come on own up. You'll feel better knowing you are not alone.

So with my husband out of town for a few days this is the perfect time for using up small amounts. First off was the minced beef. With beans, tomatoes and chilli it could have been turned into a nice chilli con carne. But as I was alone, I decided to indulge myself with something I very rarely eat, but do enjoy when I do. A humble burger.

Simply added a finely chopped onion, salt and pepper, shaped into patties and left in fridge for an hour to firm up. With the addition of a nice roll, fresh, some salad, a slice of cheese and a few frozen fries which were lurking I had a delicious supper and freed up some space.

Some chicken wings formed part of Sunday lunch. I was cooking Asian so some wings were a perfect dish to nibble on while waiting for main course. Again nothing complicated, just marinaded for an hour in soy sauce, honey, five spice. garlic and a few slices of ginger. Cooked for an hour, during which time they smelt delicious, we couldn't wait to get our teeth sunk into them.

A scattering of red chilli and spring onion, and some soy sauce and sour cream alongside completed our appetiser.

I'm sure you all have puff pastry in the freezer ready for when you need it. I can't always buy it here so when I do I tend to buy a few. So now time to use some up.

Using chicken left over from the weekend, I decided to do a chicken and mushroom pie. Always a favourite in this house. I think everyone loves chicken pie. This time it involved frying a leek and mushrooms, adding the chopped chicken and some stock, made from the aforementioned chicken. Yes I really am trying to be more economical, I hate waste, so decided 2013 is the time to put feelings into practice. I let it all cook through then thickened the stock with cornflour slaked with water, doing it this way also cuts the calories leaving you less guilty about eating the pastry! The pastry cooked off in the oven, then the whole thing put together for a tasty easy quick and cheap supper. Words to make me happy. Added a few fresh veg to complete.

Unfortunately this only used up half a packet of pastry so the following night I decided to make a dessert with the other half. So easy you won't believe it. I cut the pastry into circles, spread a tub of apple sauce, I had it in the cupboard, over the centre leaving a 1cm edge. I took an apple from the bowl cut it into slices and arranged them on top. A sprinkling of brown sugar and they were ready for the oven. 25 mins and with the addition of some cream we were once again enjoying the "dregs" of the freezer.


So as you can see with a bit of thought and imagination cleaning out the freezer doesn't need to be boring. I enjoy the challenge. I'm not quite there, still have some chicken livers, belly pork and prawns to deal with then I can start to fill it all over again....... so in 6 months I'll be doing it all over again.

Tuesday 8 January 2013


The past few days have been pretty bleak here in Shanghai. Grey overcast skies and drizzling rain. Days to get things done around the house. So thanks to the depressing weather I am now proud owner of the tidiest drawers and cupboards in the building. Okay, I have no idea if that is true or not, but I am feeling very smug about my accomplishment.

So when I woke this morning and saw a glimpse of sunshine from behind the curtain I knew a nice walk was on the cards. I had a couple of bits to buy, so by taking the long way round I could combine necessity with pleasure, and a bit of much needed exercise too. It was 3c but without wind I knew it would be a pleasant walk.

It was so nice to see first signs of Spring with buds appearing on the plum trees. Traditionally this is the first tree to bud, and with this comes the promise of Spring. It's a few months away, but nice to see a hint of it right outside the doorway.

Around the next corner was evidence that it is still winter despite the sunny skies. The trees are wrapped up keeping them safe from the nasty elements of wind and frosts. This happens all over the city. Must keep many people busy.

So off I set on my way passing very familiar sights. My regular route, which I hadn't taken since I returned before New Year, was still reassuringly familiar. The car wash boys were busy at work. A whole team of guys who never seem short of a car to wash. As they wash them quite literally in my path I often have to detour around them. Today I was very surprised to see them hard at work on a Rolls Royce! A car which is far more common here than you may think. A lot of money around this city.

A stop at my favourite coffee shop, Gloria Jean's for a warming cup of coffee was next up. I like going here because the staff are welcoming and friendly and understand my Mandarin offerings. Although one thing I can do is order my coffee, tea or whatever other drink I am having, I can order the size and state it is for drinking in. I always feel very proud of myself, and it makes me smile knowing I am able to do this. Who would have guessed?

A walk down a side street brings to mind how every day there is something new, something unexpected around every corner. Today it is dried fish hanging up outside a wooden kiosk which sells cigarettes, tobacco, lighters sweets and various other things I'm sure. However no reason I can see for them to be selling dried fish, open to all the elements. These things always amaze and amuse me. They make the city different, at least from anything I have known before.

I then set off to cross the road, my nemesis. Today I don't hear an electric bike approach but to be fair he managed to swerve around me. I then almost have a incident with a car, yes the green man is there, but I guess not having dealt with Shanghai traffic for several weeks I had forgotten what a game of roulette it can be! 
Thankfully I made it across safe and well. Long may this continue!

Last stop local bread shop, Paris Baguette. All I need was some rolls but couldn't resist taking a picture of, well not exactly sure what it was, but basically it was a chocolate cake with chocolate filling encased in a plain cake with a cream filling between the two. To top it off there was a streusel like topping. The lady in front of me was actually buying it. I so wished I could have asked her more about this delicacy. They only sell it in half pieces. Why? No idea. Hope she enjoyed it.

On the last stretch I was delighted to see boxes of delicious strawberries on sale. Yes the strawberry season has arrived in Shanghai. Seems strange to see them so early, have not seen them since last year. It made me smile and tempted me into buying some to enjoy at lunchtime.

All in all it was a nice brisk walk and conformation of how much I love this crazy chaotic city. I look forward to the next few months and to seeing what surprises and challenges they may bring.

PS  The strawberries were every bit a delicious as they had looked. So please I succumbed to the temptation.

Thursday 3 January 2013


After a wonderful, if exhausting trip to Scotland for the festivities I am now back in Shanghai. As usual we ate to much, drank too much and stayed up way to late, but it was so much fun and just what was expected!

It was great spending time with family, the grandchildren were so excited about us being there, and were able to enjoy lots of hugs and kisses and early morning cuddles in bed. Did I spoil them? Never......

Taking some time to catch up with old friends also made the trip enjoyable. Funny with some people it doesn't matter how long the gap is between get togethers it still feels like old times. A big thanks to everyone who took the time to fit in with our tight schedule. It was a blast.

Of course goodbyes are always difficult, but after 15 solid days of heavy rain, maybe they were a little less traumatic than usual.

We arrived very late in Shanghai on Saturday night,to flurries of snow, and a cold chilly night. Now the cold I can deal with. Lots of warm clothes to keep out the chilly winds. The Chinese take the cold very seriously and wrap up well against it as you can see fro this photo. They are taking no chances.

We tried to get back on track, tried to catch up on sleep but of course hogmanay was but a short 48 hours away. Once again we were out  partying. More eating and drinking, this time there was also singing and dancing. Thanks to our new friends who hosted a small, but wonderful party to herald in 2013. We were a group of 6 Scots, 3 English and 1 American. It was a group who loved to party and did so through until 5-00am. Safe to say we all had a great start to the new year. It was so good to be able to spend this time with new friends and like minded people. 

So now I am struggling to restore sleep pattern, given the double whammy of jet lag and late night partying. I am also trying to compensate for all the delicious food consumed, over what was a very long, and very enjoyable festive season.

So as these were typical Scottish breakfasts.............


This is what breakfast for the coming weeks, or months will be looking like......

Have to pay for all the fun, and this really isn't too bad a way to start my day.

So the start of 2013 sees me hoping for a smaller waistline, a larger bank account, and to spend more time keeping old friends close, and to making new connections with new people who hopefully will find a place in the old friend category.

or as they say here in Shanghai

Wednesday 12 December 2012


  One more Christmas night out, one more sleep and in 14 hours I'll be airport bound. 4-00am start but I don't care. I am so excited about being back with family for Christmas. 

Also after 10 consecutive nights of Christmas events I so need to relax, to be with the grandchildren and put the high heels and spanx to one side for a bit! Fear another night out may put me into sweatpants for Christmas, lol. There will be nights when they need to be resurrected, but for the most part I'll be chilling out waiting for Santa.

Shanghai has been a huge surprise. I didn't realise there would be so many Christmas events. We had a night out for my husbands colleagues which was so much fun. I had brought crackers back from UK and put them on the table. No one had the slightest idea of what to do with them. However, once told they entered into the spirit, sadly jokes were lost in translation, but hats were worn even as we left the restaurant, and some I believe were still being worn in taxis on the way home. 

Once again the Chinese amazed me with there love of partying. They certainly know how to have fun. They all ended up back at our apartment where Christmas songs were sung, mainly by my husband, but with the Chinese joining in where they could, wine was drunk and a good night was had by all.

So as I step on to the plane tomorrow I will have good memories of my first Christmas in Shanghai, and will be looking forward to making more family memories in Scotland. 

I plan to, no, I need to sleep as much as I can on the way home. I plan to, no, need to stay away from the food served on the plane. I on the other hand should be staying away from the champagne on route, however, I have absolutely no intention of doing so! Well it is Christmas after all............. and it may help me sleep.

So I want to wish everyone who has passed by my blog this year, A Very Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy 2013.

I hope to see you all again next year.

Sunday 2 December 2012


Had not expected to be seeing so much Christmas activity around Shanghai. As the Chinese don't celebrate Christmas I had thought, quite wrongly as it turns out, that it would be business as usual in the city.
But I guess the commercial lure of the season is just to much to ignore. So all around the city signs of the Festive Season are on display. From huge Grottos to a few bells and tinsel it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love everything connected to the season. Even the shopping, although here in Shanghai this is somewhat easier than at home as the shops are not all crowded with hoards of Christmas shoppers It is really business as usual here, so no queues for coffee or lunch when out on the weekend shopping trip. It is really very pleasant surroundings in which to seek out these special gifts for people we love. 

If anyone I love is reading this please don't get excited by the photo above, it is only to let you see the decorations, not an indication of where I have been shopping. 

Even my local coffee shop has decorated the windows and is offering Christmas mugs for sale. I just had to buy some and was really delighted that the boxes they came in actually played a Christmas song. Think they might be recycled in the coming weeks. 

If you are interested it plays "We wish You a Merry Christmas."

I will not be spending the festive season in Shanghai but will be heading home to Scotland, to be with the family. I am so excited about it, can't wait to be with them. However, thanks to the world commercialism connected to the season I can start the build up before I head on home.

One thing that took a bit of the shine of the Christmas Spirit was seeing a box of Cadbury's Chocolate Fingers, christmas packing, on sale for 88RMB, in real money £8.80. Seriously does anyone want one so much that they are willing to pay this? Think, or at least hoping not.

So I will be happily preparing for the trip home, shopping in comfort, in reasonable temperatures, enjoying coffees and listening to the Christmas music being played everywhere. I will not however be enjoying a Cadbury Chocolate Finger anytime soon!

Tuesday 20 November 2012


Saturday night saw us "amongst oor ain folk". We were attending an evening hosted by a young couple who have fairly recently arrived in Shanghai. The get together was to bring Scots they had met together, to eat, drink and be merry, which as Scots we can do very well. An evening like this was bound to be a success.

I have to say we were not all Scots, an Irish couple had slipped through the net! I think they qualified as fellow Celts, and the host himself was only there because of his Scottish connection, his fiance, so we really had to accept him, and a couple of English ladies, with Scottish husbands, into the fold. Everyone warmly welcomed only criteria, have fun. And we all did.

Our hosts had done a wonderful job of pulling it all together, not just the assembled company, but also the delicious Scottish fare on offer. People had brought along various Scottish dishes and the hostess had worked really hard to produce some delicious food. I had taken along Scotch eggs, always a favourite, and some tablet click on this for recipe.
However I was not alone in producing tablet, but there is never such a thing a too much, so I'm sure as the week went on the supply grew smaller. There was soup, a good wholesome broth, shepherds pie, stovies, an Irish stew, and a bowl of turnips, Shanghai style. Not a bad thing, they were delicious. It is just that some things are not so easy to track down here and sometimes you have to be prepared to compromise. But as far as I could tell it was a turnip dish, okay maybe a few varieties but pulled together tasted good. An attempt had been made to recreate the famous "square sausage" I did not get around to tasting it, but as people were tucking into rolls filled with it there didn't seem to be much wrong with it. There were even tattie scones and skirlie on offer.

The table groaned with a good old Scottish "Bill of Fayre" and everyone got stuck in. Desserts were also on offer, apple crumble, pancakes and jam to name but a few. I'm full thinking about it. "Fu tae burstin' " as a Scot might say, or as we are in China perhaps we should be saying, "wo chi bao le" A truly international blog today folks! 

Anyway, wine, food and conversation flowed. New aquaintances were forged and business cards exchanged. I am sure we will be spending more time with some of these people as our paths cross during our time in Shanghai. There is a comfort in chatting with people who know how you think, know where you come from, and are accepting of new cultures, not only of accepting but embracing them. We shared with these people the experience of living far from home,  the fun and challenges that go hand in hand with it. Until you have done this it is difficult to understand, and for a few hours on a Saturday night in Shanghai we were all able to share tales of here and of home. 

So a big thank you to our hosts. To organise this after such a short time here tells me that they will fit in. You have to put yourself out there and make the best of your time here and this was a great way of doing that. I'm sure many invites will come their way.

I had only one slight regret about the evening. 
And that was I had decided to wear my tartan shoes in celebration of the Scottish night.
6" heels + 4 hours standing = "sair feet" 
"Hell mend you" I can hear my mother say.  Fellow Scots will I'm sure know this phrase.

So a big thank you to our kind hosts. Here's to many more nights like this.